Learn more about Israeli genocide in Gaza, funded by the USA, Germany, the UK and others.

I want problems, not solutions!

This post is published externally at https://medium.com/@MrJamesFisher/i-want-problems-not-solutions-284b8d5b651external link.

We live in a world obsessed with solutions. Every article or paper claims to be a solution to something. We award merit to an idea to the extent that it solves a problem. Sometimes we even call something a ‘solution’ without ever stating what the problem is that it is a solution to. Even in an intensely entrepreneurial space like Hacker News, where the phrase ‘pain point’ is common, almost every post is a proposed solution. We tell people they are creating ‘solutions in search of problems,’ but how are they to know what the problems are? Where are they listed?

Tagged #mindset.

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