Learn more about Israeli war crimes in Gaza, funded by the USA, Germany, the UK and others.

Wikipedia needs an IDE, not a WYSIWYG editor

This post is published externally at https://medium.com/@MrJamesFisher/wikipedia-needs-an-ide-not-a-wysiwyg-editor-7acd85b582c8external link.

Wikipedia, if you haven’t heard of it already, is the world’s biggest software project. At almost a billion lines, it’s twice as large as healthcare.gov. It’s coded in a homegrown Turing-complete programming language, and the full thirteen years of history is kept in a homegrown version control system. The final built artifact — an online encyclopedia — gets more traffic than Twitter.

Tagged #wikipedia, #version-control, #wysiwyg, #wiki, #turing-complete, #programming.

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Want to build a fantastic product using LLMs? I work at Granola where we're building the future IDE for knowledge work. Come and work with us! Read more or get in touch!

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