What are samples in a Core Image kernel?

Here’s a Core Image kernel which swaps the red and green components of an image:

kernel vec4 swapRG(sampler image) {
  vec4 t = sample(image, samplerCoord(image));
  float r = t.r; t.r = t.g; t.g = r;
  return t;

We have three separate mentions of “samples”: The type sampler, and two functions samplerCoord and sample. Here are their types - verify that they match up with the program above:

varying vec2 samplerCoord(uniform sampler src);
vec4 sample(uniform sampler src, vec2 point);

First you must understand that kernels are applied per output pixel. Not per input pixel! This approach of “working backwards” is more efficient. The naive approach of working forwards from source images can do a lot of unnecessary work, i.e. the work does not affect the output image, e.g. the work outputs a pixel at a position outside the output space.

To work backwards from an output pixel, we need to find the relevant input pixel for that output. This is what samplerCoord helps with. A call to samplerCoord(image) gives us the coordinate in the input which corresponds to the current coordinate in the output space. This means, every time the kernel is called, there is an implicit “current point” in the output space; this coordinate is the position of the pixel that we’re drawing.

This is indicated by the keywords uniform and varying. The varying attribute on the samplerCoord return value indicates that it varies depending on the current coordinate. But it’s not clear at this point why the current point can’t be passed in to the kernel as a normal parameter, e.g.:

kernel vec4 swapRG(vec2 output_coord, sampler image) {
  vec4 t = sample(image, samplerCoord(image, output_coord));
  float r = t.r; t.r = t.g; t.g = r;
  return t;

Notice that samplerCoord is parameterized by a sampler. A kernel can have multiple samplers (input images) as arguments. These images can overlap each other, so we need to be able to refer to each input image’s space separately. The samplerCoord return value is a point in the space of image argument.

Notice also that samplerCoord does not return the pixel in the input image; it only returns the point in that input image space. To get the pixel at that point, we use the sample function. A call to sample(image, pt) gets the color of image at the point pt.

Assuming that our kernel has no transformations applied to the input images (so it maps input pixels 1:1 to output pixels), a call to sample(image, samplerCoord(image)) gets us the input pixel color for the current output pixel.

We can modify the samplerCoord(image) expression to apply transformations. This flips the image vertically:

kernel vec4 flipVertical(sampler image) {
  vec2 p = samplerCoord(image);
  vec4 ext = samplerExtent(image);
  p.y = ext[3] - p.y;
  return sample(image, p);

To flip the image, we flip the y coordinate. To flip the y coordinate, we negate it and add the total height of the image. To get the total height of the image, we use the samplerExtent function:

uniform vec4 samplerExtent(uniform sampler src);

This returns a vec4 representing x, y, width and height. To get the height, we index into the vector: ext[3]. AFAIK, there is no ext.height syntactic sugar (like the px.a syntactic sugar to get the alpha component of a pixel, which is the same as px[3]).

(I don’t think this is a great way to do a horizontal flip. GL has other ways to do this which are more convenient and efficient.)

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