Golang’s realtime garbage collector at GoWayFest, Minsk

Will Sewell and I gave our “Go garbage collector” talk at GoWayFest in Minsk. We met quite a few people, such as Elena Grahovac who hosts The Golang Show, Yuras Shumovich who already knew us from our GHC garbage collector blog post, and Eugene Bolt, the first non-UK Vidrio user I’ve met. It was a one-day conference on Friday, but Will and I were out Thursday to Sunday, so we got to do some tourism. On Saturday, we were invited to Juno’s VIP area at a rock festival, “Rock Za Bobrov”. We travelled via Kiev both ways. Minsk was surprisingly orderly (it’s the “Russian Las Vagas” run by a semi-dictator obsessed with cleanliness) whereas Kiev was a bit of a Wild West.

Tagged #talk.

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