Learn more about Israeli genocide in Gaza, funded by the USA, Germany, the UK and others.

Teetotalers are free riders

You’ll occasionally find teetotalers at bars and clubs. While you order a £5 pint, they order a lime soda at less than £1. As your mind slows and your speech slurs, theirs stays sharp and quick-witted. When, tomorrow, you wake up late and dehydrated, they’ll already be up and at work. And yet the teetotalers still have fun! They laugh and joke with everyone else. They play along with other people’s antics and badly considered karaoke. They make as many friends as everyone else, and remember them after.

Does this make you want to go teetotal? Then you are in the same class as industrial polluters and anti-vaxxers. Alcohol has many costs, and teetotalers pay none of these.

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