Implementing a queue using a linked list
A “queue” is an abstract data type
that provides enqueue
and dequeue
which behave like a queue of people.
There are many ways to implement a queue,
but a natural way is with a “linked list”.
A linked list is a concrete data type consisting of “nodes” in a chain. To implement a queue, we need to keep references to both ends of the linked list: the “head” and the “tail”. But which should be the “front” of the list, the “head” or the “tail”?
The answer is: the head should be the front of the list. This allows us to update the front when dequeueing, because it holds a pointer to the new front of the list.
Here’s an implementation in C:
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <assert.h>
typedef struct Node {
int val;
struct Node * next;
} Node;
Node* new_node(int val, Node* next) {
Node* node = malloc(sizeof(Node));
node->val = val;
node->next = next;
return node;
// ----------------------------------------------------
// ------------------- QUEUE API ----------------------
typedef struct Queue {
Node* front;
Node* back;
} Queue;
int dequeue(Queue* queue) {
Node* front = queue->front;
if (front == NULL) return -1;
int x = front->val;
queue->front = front->next;
if (queue->front == NULL) queue->back = NULL;
return x;
void enqueue(Queue* queue, int x) {
Node* node = new_node(x, NULL);
if (queue->back == NULL) {
queue->front = node;
} else {
queue->back->next = node;
queue->back = node;
Queue* new_queue() {
return calloc(1, sizeof(Queue));
void delete_queue(Queue* queue) {
while(dequeue(queue) != -1);
// ----------------------------------------------------
// --------------------- TESTS ------------------------
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
Queue* queue = new_queue();
assert(dequeue(queue) == -1);
enqueue(queue, 1);
assert(dequeue(queue) == 1);
assert(dequeue(queue) == -1);
enqueue(queue, 1);
enqueue(queue, 2);
enqueue(queue, 3);
assert(dequeue(queue) == 1);
assert(dequeue(queue) == 2);
assert(dequeue(queue) == 3);
assert(dequeue(queue) == -1);
assert(dequeue(queue) == -1);
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