Executables in npm?

NPM is not just for distributing Node.js modules. An NPM package can contain arbitrary stuff. For example, NPM can be used to distribute executables. NPM even has a few features to help with this use-case. Let’s take a look.

Download the tarball for the rollup package and look inside:

$ wget https://registry.npmjs.org/rollup/-/rollup-2.28.2.tgz
$ tar -ztvf rollup-2.28.2.tgz
-rwxr-xr-x  0 0      0       71182 26 Oct  1985 package/dist/bin/rollup
-rw-r--r--  0 0      0      167272 26 Oct  1985 package/dist/shared/index.js
-rw-r--r--  0 0      0         524 26 Oct  1985 package/dist/loadConfigFile.js

The file at package/dist/bin/rollup has its executable bit set. When you run npm install rollup, this all gets copied into node_modules, and you can run the executable:

$ ls -l node_modules/rollup/dist/bin/rollup
-rwxr-xr-x  1 jim  staff  71182 26 Oct  1985 node_modules/rollup/dist/bin/rollup
$ ./node_modules/rollup/dist/bin/rollup

rollup version 2.28.2

Usage: rollup [options] <entry file>

Naturally enough, this executable is a node script, though it could be anything:

$ head -1 node_modules/rollup/dist/bin/rollup
#!/usr/bin/env node

However, it’s not recommended to run the script directly via this path. When you npm install rollup, it also creates the symlink node_modules/.bin/rollup:

$ ls -ahl node_modules/.bin/rollup
lrwxr-xr-x  1 jim  staff    25B 30 Sep 11:35 node_modules/.bin/rollup -> ../rollup/dist/bin/rollup

This is created not because of the executable bit on the file, but because rollup’s package.json has this config:

  "bin": {
    "rollup": "dist/bin/rollup"

But it’s not really recommended to run ./node_modules/.bin/rollup directly, either. One option is npm install rollup --global, followed by just running rollup. This method is recommended by the rollup docs, but it’s not very nice. It assumes that npm install --global puts the rollup executable on the $PATH (on my machine, this happens to work because nvm sets this up). It pollutes your $PATH. And it makes you forget to specify your dependencies in your package.json.

A more reliable method is npm run-script (or npm run). This reads commands from your local package.json, and runs them with node_modules/.bin added to the PATH. For example, if we add this to our local package.json:

  "scripts": {
    "build": "rollup main.mjs --file bundle.js"

Then we can run npm run-script build, which effectively runs ./node_modules/.bin/rollup main.mjs --file bundle.js. If you want to run this as a one-off command instead of saving it to your scripts, you can run npx -c 'rollup main.mjs --file bundle.js'.

Even more lazily, you can run npx foo bar baz, but this has quite a bit of magic. First it looks for foo on the path, e.g. npx ssh-keygen bar baz will just run ssh-keygen bar baz. Failing that, it looks for ./node_modules/.bin/foo. If that doesn’t exist, it will try to install the package foo (to a secret cache!), and then “will try to guess the name of the binary to invoke”. IMO, this is pretty dodgy behavior.

Tagged #programming.

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