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Operational Transformations hello world

type InsertOp = { type: "insert", at: number, char: string };
type DeleteOp = { type: "delete", at: number };
type NoOp = { type: "noop" };
type Op = InsertOp | DeleteOp | NoOp;
function apply_ins(ins: InsertOp, to: string): string {
  return to.slice(0, ins.at) + ins.char + to.slice(ins.at);

function apply_del(del: DeleteOp, to: string): string {
  return to.slice(0, ins.at) + to.slice(ins.at + 1);

function apply(op: Op, to: string): string {
  if (op.type === "noop") return to;
  else if (op.type === "insert") return apply_ins(op, to);
  else if (op.type === "delete") return apply_del(op, to);
  else throw new Error("Unexpected op");
function transform_ins_by_ins(ins: InsertOp, by: InsertOp): InsertOp {
  if (by.at < ins.at) {
    // We inserted a char before the insertion point
    return { ...ins, at: ins.at + 1 };
  } else {
    // We inserted a char after the insertion point
    return ins;

function transform_ins_by_del(ins: InsertOp, by: DeleteOp): InsertOp {
  if (by.at < ins.at) {
    // We deleted a char before the insertion point
    return { ...ins, at: ins.at - 1 };
  } else {
    // We deleted a char after the insertion point
    return ins;

function transform_del_by_ins(del: DeleteOp, by: InsertOp): DeleteOp {
  if (by.at <= del.at) {
    // We inserted a char before the char to delete
    return { ...del, at: del.at + 1 };
  } else {
    // We inserted a char after the char to delete
    return del;

function transform_del_by_del(del: DeleteOp, by: DeleteOp): DeleteOp {
  if (by.at === del.at) {
    // Someone else deleted this char!
    return { type: "noop" };
  } else if (by.at < del.at) {
    // We deleted a char before the char to delete
    return { ...del, at: del.at - 1 };
  } else {
    // We deleted a char after the char to delete
    return del;

function transform(op: Op, by: Op): Op {
  if (op.type === "noop" || by.type === "noop") return op;
  else if (op.type === "insert" && by.type === "insert") return transform_ins_by_ins(op, by);
  else if (op.type === "insert" && by.type === "delete") return transform_ins_by_del(op, by);
  else if (op.type === "delete" && by.type === "insert") return transform_del_by_ins(op, by);
  else if (op.type === "delete" && by.type === "delete") return transform_del_by_del(op, by);
  else throw new Error("Unexpected ops");

Some subtleties:

We could have each operation work on single characters, so “insert hello” is five sequential operations, and “delete hello” is another five sequential operations.

But one thing we want is the ability to represent a “no-op”.

The DeleteOp has a content, but this is redundant. It could just have a length. But this allows for inversion. Inversion is important for undoing operations.

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