What are /dev/stdout and /dev/stdin? What are they useful for?

In the /dev directory, amongst the disks, TTYs, urandoms, and other pseudo-devices, are the files /dev/stdin, /dev/stdout and /dev/stderr. What are they, and what are they good for?

You may have heard of standard in, standard out and standard error, the three “standard streams” which each UNIX process usually has attached to it on start. For example, cat run with no arguments reads from standard in and writes to standard out (achieving nothing):

$ echo hello | cat | tr '[a-z]' '[A-Z]'

The standard streams don’t seem like “devices”, but there they are in /dev; files which any process can open, read from, and write to, just like other files. When I write to /dev/stdout from my shell, it’s printed to my terminal:

$ echo hello > /dev/stdout

Crucially, /dev/stdout means different things to different processes. Above, /dev/stdout refers to the standard out of my shell process, which is my terminal, and that’s why hello printed to my screen. But if I tell cp to write to /dev/stdout, it writes to its own standard out stream, not to my shell’s standard out:

$ echo hello | cp /dev/stdin /dev/stdout | tr '[a-z]' '[A-Z]'

Look at that: we got cp, normally used for copying files, to behave just like cat, which copies streams! We were able to do this by telling cp to use its standard streams instead of files.

When building shell pipelines, this can be very useful. The following pipeline grabs a JPEG from the web, converts it to a monochrome PNG, then posts the result to another web server, without creating any temporary files:

curl https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/5/52/Testcard_F.jpg \
| convert -monochrome /dev/stdin png:/dev/stdout \
| curl -X POST --data @/dev/stdin -H 'Content-Type: image/png' http://requestbin.fullcontact.com/13rcezq1

Processes interact with files via file descriptors. When a process opens a file, the OS gives the process a file descriptor (a number) which the process can use to read or write from the open file. We can see this with strace:

$ cat foo.txt
$ strace cat foo.txt
open("foo.txt", O_RDONLY)               = 3
read(3, "hello\n", 65536)               = 6

Here, cat foo.txt called open("foo.txt", O_RDONLY), and the OS returned the file descriptor 3. cat then read from this with read(3, ...).

The standard streams in, out and error are at file descriptors 0, 1 and 2 respectively. The standard streams are pre-attached; the process does not have to open them. For example, cat run with no arguments reads from file descriptor 0 and writes to file descriptor 1. In a shell pipeline, these standard file descriptors are references to anonymous pipes.

When we run cp /dev/stdin /dev/stdout, the process opens the files /dev/stdin and /dev/stdout as normal, and gets back file descriptors for them. Which numbers do you think it gets back?

open("/dev/stdin", O_RDONLY)            = 3
open("/dev/stdout", O_WRONLY|O_TRUNC)   = 4

No, it doesn’t get back 0 and 1; it gets two new file descriptors 3 and 4. But those new file descriptors both refer to the same underlying anonymous pipe.

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