Learn more about Israeli genocide in Gaza, funded by the USA, Germany, the UK and others.

What cookies are sent in an HTTP request?

Your browser stores a bunch of “cookies”. Compared to other client-side web storage (localStorage, sessionStorage, indexedDB, ...), the unique property of cookies is that, when the browser makes an HTTP request, cookies are embedded in the request sent to the server.

The cookies are included in an HTTP header called Cookie. For example, in the developer tools for this page, under “Network”, you’ll see an HTTP request for https://jameshfisher.com/assets/jim_512.jpg, a picture of me. In the HTTP headers for that request, you can see:

Cookie: _ga=GA1.2.12345.67890; _gid=GA1.2.111111.222222

But why were these cookies sent, and not the many others stored by my browser? The answer is not simple!

Cookies have many attributes; among them are the domain and path attributes, which together are called the cookie’s “scope”. Both Google Analytics cookies above have the domain .jameshfisher.com and the path /. You can see these attributes in the Application tab of Google Chrome developer tools.

These attributes are set when the cookie is set, for example in client-side JavaScript using the API: document.cookie = 'test_cookie=foo'. When setting a cookie, the default domain is the domain of the current page, i.e. jameshfisher.com, and the default path is the path of the current page, i.e. /2020/01/01/what-cookies-are-sent-in-an-http-request.

Note the domain attributes of these two cookies are different: .jameshfisher.com versus jameshfisher.com. The leading dot means “this is a domain suffix”; a cookie with domain .jameshfisher.com will match subdomain.jameshfisher.com, too. A cookie with domain jameshfisher.com will only match the domain jameshfisher.com, and will not match subdomains. Confusingly, whether the domain attribute is a suffix is determined by whether you explicitly set the domain attribute when setting the cookie. If you explicitly set a domain attribute when setting the cookie, it will be a domain suffix (shown with leading dot). If you don’t explicitly set a domain attribute, it will be a fully-qualified domain, i.e. jameshfisher.com in this example.

A cookie is only sent in an HTTP request if the hostname that the request is being sent to matches the domain, or domain suffix, in the cookie. The browser will never send a cookie to a hostname that doesn’t match the cookie’s domain attribute.

An HTTP origin

An HTTP request made by a browser has two relevant origins: the origin that makes the request, and the origin that the request is sent to.

Whether cookies are sent depends on how the request was made. There are many APIs to invoke an HTTP request from a browser:

To test this behavior, I’ve set up some domains in /etc/hosts:

$ cat /etc/hosts
...       s1.com       s2.com	      sub.s2.com

And I’m running the “web servers” for s1.com and s2.com using nc, like so:

$ while true; do cat response.http | nc -l 8000; done

This lets me control the full HTTP response by typing it out. Here’s a starter page:

$ cat index.http
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8

<!doctype html>
<html><body><h1>A webpage served by netcat</h1></body></html>

Then run nc in an infinite loop to serve this file for every response:

When the browser makes an HTTP request, it will include each cookie whose scope matches the target URL.

Tagged #programming, #web.

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Want to build a fantastic product using LLMs? I work at Granola where we're building the future IDE for knowledge work. Come and work with us! Read more or get in touch!

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