Tag: #web
How to escape JavaScript for a script tag
How can I capture all crashes in a web page?
Including uncaught errors, unhandled promise rejections, image load failures, Content Security Policy violations, and
calls. 2024-03-14How do errors in a web page reach the dev console?
Errors in JavaScript cause an
on window
. Preventing the default action blocks console output. Resource errors follow the capture-bubble event model. 2024-03-13A formula for responsive font-size
Try setting the root font-size to
calc(1rem + 0.25vw)
instead of using media queries with fixed breakpoints. 2024-03-12Setting font-size based on viewing distance
Estimating viewing distance from screen size to set optimal font-size, but other factors like user mobility, long-sightedness, and short-sightedness complicate the ideal font-size calculation. 2024-03-11
How does HotJar record your screen?
“Session replay” tools record user interactions by capturing DOM changes, external resources, and viewport state, using efficient techniques like the MutationObserver API. 2024-03-09
What is a Single-Shot Multibox Detector?
A neural network architecture that can output bounding boxes. It uses a fixed set of “anchor points” and predicts offsets and sizes for each anchor. 2021-02-16
How to run a pre-trained model in TensorFlow.js
Load the model, convert the input to a tensor, preprocess the tensor to match the model’s expected format, run inference with
, and decode the prediction tensor. 2021-02-15How to replace GIF with HTML video in 2021
To replace a GIF with an HTML
element in 2021, use a long list of attributes disable unwanted browser behaviors. 2021-01-19Measuring audio volume in JavaScript
A demo of real-time microphone volume measurement using the Web Audio API’s
. 2021-01-18The many sizes of a video element
A playground to explore the various widths and heights of a
element, as reported by different browser APIs, when displaying a webcam stream with dynamically adjustable constraints. 2020-10-23MediaRecorder hello world
The MediaStream Recording API converts a MediaStream to a Blob of compressed video and audio. A demo where you can record a 5-second clip. 2020-10-17
Babel JS from the ground up
Babel is a JavaScript compiler that transforms JavaScript code. Here I use its API programmatically. 2020-10-16
WebRTC group chat hello world
A WebRTC-based group chat application that uses Ably’s publish-subscribe system for signaling. Clients connect directly via peer-to-peer data channels, with Ably facilitating the initial connection. 2020-10-13
A head in a box with BlazeFace
A method for calculating a bounding circle around a head, using facial landmarks from BlazeFace. Plus a live demo that you can run on your own face. 2020-10-12
Head tracking with BlazeFace
A method for calculating a bounding circle around a head, using facial landmarks from BlazeFace. Plus a live demo that you can run on your own face. 2020-10-11
How to self-host a TensorFlow.js model
Involves downloading the model manifest file and associated binary weight files, to avoid downloading large models every application launch. 2020-10-07
How to make a floating head
Creating a “floating head” effect using WebGL and the BodyPix machine learning model to segment the face from a webcam feed. 2020-10-06
What are UMD modules? One final module system to rule them all (except ES modules which are a different thing)
UMD modules are a way to write JavaScript code that can be used in any module system (e.g. CommonJS, AMD, or as a global variable). 2020-10-04
What are AMD modules? Fetch your sick bag
“Simplified CommonJS wrapping” feature is a hacky attempt to support synchronous
calls by using regexes. It’s gross. 2020-10-03JavaScript live bindings are just concatenation
ES modules are just concatenated source files, with some error checking and variable renaming. Live bindings are an illusion - they’re just ordinary variables at the top-level scope. 2020-09-28
What are JavaScript source maps?
Source maps map generated JavaScript to original source files, allowing debugging of the original code in the browser’s dev tools. 2020-09-26
JavaScript modules for grumpy developers from 2005
JavaScript modules enable better dependency management and scoping. A guide for developers like me who still use
tags everywhere. 2020-09-25Using BodyPix segmentation in a WebGL shader
A WebGL shader that uses BodyPix segmentation to set the alpha channel. 2020-09-24
Running BodyPix on a video stream
Applying the BodyPix machine learning model to a video stream for real-time person segmentation, with separate render and segmentation loops to optimize performance. 2020-09-23
Resizable boxes in pure CSS!
property allows any element to be resized, not just <textarea>
! But there are some gotchas. 2020-09-22BlazeFace hello world
A demo that uses the BlazeFace model from TensorFlow.js to detect faces in a webcam stream, and draws the detected landmarks on the video. 2020-09-21
Step-away background removal
A step-away background removal technique using WebGL, which compares both chrominance and luminance differences between the webcam feed and a captured background image to create a transparent mask. 2020-09-20
Edge detection with Sobel filters
A WebGL fragment shader that implements the Sobel filter, a method for detecting edges in an image. A demo processes your webcam video stream. 2020-08-31
BodyPix hello world
BodyPix is a TensorFlow model for person segmentation. A demo of BodyPix in the browser. 2020-08-16
Why does my WebGL alpha-transparency look wrong?
WebGL alpha-transparency may appear wrong because of premultiplied alpha. Fix it by setting
premultipliedAlpha: false
when creating the WebGL context. 2020-08-12Production-ready green screen in the browser
A green screen implementation in the browser using WebGL and chroma key. Includes a live demo. 2020-08-11
How to implement green screen in WebGL
An green screen implementation in the browser using WebGL and a chroma key shader. Includes a demo that replaces sufficiently green pixels with magenta. 2020-08-10
How to implement green screen in the browser
A green screen implementation in the browser using WebGL and chroma key. Includes a live demo. 2020-08-09
How to record a canvas to video
Using the
API to record a canvas element as a WebM video file, allowing the user to download the recorded video. 2020-03-13How to write an ArrayBuffer to a canvas
I write an ArrayBuffer to a canvas by interpreting the buffer as pixel data and using ImageData to provide the dimensions. 2020-03-01
How does Glitch refresh my app?
Glitch’s “Show in a new window” feature uses the
API to open a new window, and then manipulates the contents of that window by updating its location
property when the source code is edited. 2020-01-01What are CSS variables?
CSS variables, also called custom properties, allow defining and using dynamic values in CSS. They cascade and inherit like other CSS properties, with the
function used to reference them. 2019-12-21Why can’t I set the font size of a visited link?
CSS visited link styles are limited for security reasons, as they could reveal a user’s browsing history. Color can be changed, but
will lie about it. 2019-03-08How to draw sprites on an HTML canvas
I demonstrate animating a cat walk cycle on an HTML canvas using a sprite sheet image and the
method. 2018-12-29What is document.cookie?
Cookies are client-side storage that get sent with every HTTP request. A cookie is scoped to a domain suffix, a path prefix, and a time range. The API is old and weird. 2018-12-22
Drawing a clock face with WebGL
A WebGL clock face with moving hands that updates every second, using a vertex shader to convert polar coordinates to 3D positions. 2017-10-07
What is the web Notification API?
The web Notification API allows web apps to display system-level notifications, requiring user permission. It has two key parts: requesting permission and creating notifications. 2017-09-07
What is an authoritative DNS server? What is a recursive DNS server?
Authoritative DNS servers provide definitive responses for their domains, while recursive DNS servers consult other servers to serve responses, caching results to reduce load on authorities. 2017-08-20
WebRTC - low barrier to entry, low barrier to exit?
WebRTC has many challenges - browser API inconsistencies, protocol ambiguities, infrastructure requirements, and lack of built-in “business logic”. Not as easy as it seemed at first. 2017-02-04
How to write a ‘hello world’ HTTP server in C
A C program that creates an HTTP server that responds with “Hello, world!” to every request. 2016-12-20
Forging web security by escaping the browser viewport 
Hide your hyper-links, or, dealing with depth-first syndrome 
Boycotting for the masses: a web solution 
The long road from HTML to PDF 
All content copyright James Fisher.